Saturday 30 October 2010

Quit Smoking Short Term First - The Slight Edge Way

Forget about quitting smoking for the rest of your life. Don't smoke today. Win one craving at the time (Compounding Victories using The Slight Edge: Secret to a Successful Life)

When you have cravings, because no matter what you will have them, don't panic. Tell yourself that you will win this one just like you won the last one. Physical cravings only last 3 minutes. 

Think about something else, go for a walk, talk to someone about anything else than cigarettes...

This book, The Slight Edge simply shows you how to create powerful results from the simple daily activities of your life, by using tools that are already within you. And all you need to make that happen? Discover that "one" thing that will help you achieve that goal, realize a life-long dream or propel you up the ladder to success. Once you got it, then you will discover how your philosophy... creates your attitude... creates your actions... creates your results... creates YOUR LIFE! Plus, Jeff shares with you "the key" that will make all of the other self-help information you read, watch and hear actually work in your life!