Thursday 28 October 2010

Quit Smoking Using E-Cigarettes - The Ugly Truth Exposed

E is for “easy to fool,” “effortless to fleece,” “eager to take your money”—and so it makes sense that E is also for electronic cigarette.

The reason e-cigarettes are not a viable solution to quit smoking is because as a substitute for regular cigarettes, they merely substitute one dangerous vice for another dangerous vice.
According to an article in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, the biggest concern by the WHO is that there was no evidence presented to back up claims that e-cigarettes do help people quit smoking.
Some concerns about e-cigarettes are:
  • They are manufactured and marketed in a completely different manner than traditional smoking remedies such as nicotine patches or gum alternatives.
  • Marketed to a more ‘cool’ demographic.
  • Offered in flavors such as chocolate, strawberry and even coffee. This carries the danger of luring in non-smokers and children who purchase e-cigarettes for their flavour.
In Hong Kong, possession of an unregulated pharmaceutical device such as an e-cigarette is subject to a two-year jail sentence as well as a $100,000 HK fine.
E-cigarettes have been refused approval by the FDA several times, mainly because they are considered to be a dangerous method to quit smoking due to the liquids used and false hope it gives to consumers.

According to a review on
One of the testers experienced “a small amount of liquid leaked from the air vent holes in the side of the cigarette.”
It is unknown if the liquid is toxic when exposed outside of the device, but this could prevent it from being approved by the FDA merely as a safety consideration and something that would need to be addressed immediately before any further testing can be done.
A big concern is that as an electronic substitute, having something that is dependent on battery power for continued therapy that has no tested usage patterns may present problems for people who are heavy smokers, because when the e-cigarette runs out of battery power, it becomes useless.
You do not see the same sort of problems with natural therapies such as herbal blends, vitamins, hypnosis or my Core Desire program.
Nicotine is still a drug, regardless of what the makers of these e-cigarettes would have you believe.
They have even been banned in Australia because of concerns that they would merely prolong nicotine addiction, in addition to safety fears about how they function.

The fluid used in many e-cigarettes, commonly called “Ejuice” contain the following ingredients:
  • Propylene Glycol, which can cause gastrointestinal irritation.
  • Nicotine, the basic substance found in many cigarettes.
  • Tobacco essence, which does nothing to keep people from continuing their smoking habit.
  • Tetramethylpyrazine, which has been shown in lab tests to cause brain damage from prolonged exposure.
There are many other ingredients, some of which could be used as accelerants if exposed properly should one of these e-cigarettes break whilst charging. That plus using a rechargeable battery for a method of smoking cessation is just not a good way to get people to quit smoking.

Many manufacturers claim that e-cigarettes are similar in design to the widely available Nicotrol Inhaler. While this may be true, doctors prescribe Nicotrol Inhalers to patients who wish to quit smoking as a medically supported alternative.
Just take a look at the following points. You may now want to think twice before using an e-cigarette.
  • E-cigarettes haven’t been approved by the FDA for use as a tobacco / nicotine substitute.
  • E-cigarette manufacturers and promoters don’t offer any documented proof in closed testing by the FDA that they work as a viable form of tobacco cessation.
  • There’s no breakdown of exactly how the devices are supposed to help people quit smoking.
Another problem with e-cigarettes is that their use may actually violate many states’ non-smoking laws.
Whilst manufacturers of e-cigarettes claim that they release a harmless, non-toxic odor, the mere fact that they even look like cigarettes and emit toxic substances like a cigarette should be enough of a deterrent for potential consumers.
Case closed. Now you make up your mind if you want to dabble with e-cigarettes.