Sunday 7 November 2010

Best Way To Avoid Triggers That Cause Smoking

The way to a smoke-free life is full of traps and snares for many smokers who want to quit smoking. It seems that no matter how they try, they are finally defeated by a strong craving they simply can not resist. Even with the best intentions and determination they give into these cravings to smoke.

These cravings are often called the "Triggers" because they trigger the urge to smoke, which creates the craving. It makes sense that if a smoker trying to quit avoids triggers then their chances of quitting smoking greatly increases.

Easier said than done, right? Things that may trigger an urge to smoke can often be part of the lives of smokers. Their triggers could be places, people or emotions that are almost impossible to avoid unless they lived like a hermit.

Breaking it down....what is a trigger anyway? It is essentially a thought, caused by a particular emotion, resulting in a mental craving. Everything is in the mind. So really, if you want to succeed in becoming an ex-smoker, you must remove the mental cravings when you try to quit. Triggers are virtually powerless if they can not create a mental craving.

So how to remove the mental desire to smoke? Just use the mental technique of smoking cessation, which is specifically designed to remove the mental cravings to smoke, therefor making the triggers harmless. The technique that achieves this is is NLP that is based on hypnotherapy.

When you use Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) to quit smoking you can remove the psychological desire to smoke in your subconscious mind. This can be done quite easily by simply listening to the recordings in a special format, which puts you in a relaxed state of mind and removes the mental desire to smoke.

NLP allows you to easily stop smoking and not have to worry about triggers that can sabotage your goal of becoming an ex-smoker.