Saturday 6 November 2010

Effects Of Smoking While Pregnant Revealed

It is well known that smoking during pregnancy is bad for a child in the womb, but few know exactly why it is dangerous for a child. This article explains how smoking during pregnancy can harm an unborn baby.

The main problem of smoking during pregnancy is that the arteries are damaged if a pregnant woman smokes, and this is damaging to blood vessels in the baby and the placenta. If you continue to smoke during pregnancy, this damages the placenta rapidly, so a child does not receive enough oxygen and nutrients. For this reason you will find that children of smokers are usually premature, and are also stressed and smaller.

If a woman smokes a lot while pregnant, the placenta may get separated from the uterine wall, which has fatal consequences for the fetus. On the other hand, women will also be at high risk when this happens. It has been discovered that nearly a tenth of perinatal mortality are caused by cigarettes. Another important issue of snuff consumption during pregnancy, the baby growing in the womb may become addicted to nicotine.
Although there are women who have a healthy pregnancy, although they smoked during pregnancy, it was found that these women may have problems during the first weeks of life of the child because the child is already dependent on nicotine when he or she is born and when he or she is removed from the environment which has nicotine, the infant will become irritable and grouchy.

Many of you may not know that a cigarette is composed of more than four thousand dangerous chemicals. Every time you smoke a cigarette, you inhale these chemicals in your body. If you are smoking during pregnancy, these chemicals travel through the placenta to the baby. These chemicals can cause all sorts of damage to your baby, as most of these chemicals are highly toxic.

As you may already know, the baby's brain develops in the third quarter, and studies have shown that children born to mothers who smoke during pregnancy, usually in the later stages of pregnancy develop disabilities in the course as ADD or attention deficit disorder. Children can also suffer from other learning disabilities. Although research is not conclusive for a direct link between heavy smokers and those with disabilities, it is advisable to stop smoking during pregnancy, because smoking can cause irreparable damage to the child's brain. So be on the safe side, you should refrain from smoking during pregnancy.

The last thing you need is to have a child who is already addicted to nicotine. The babies of women who smoke are at high risk, and if you want to give birth to a healthy baby, then you should quit smoking during pregnancy.