Have you been thinking about using smoking cessation drugs to help you quit smoking? Below I will give some important information, talk about NLP vs Smoking Cessation Drugs and explain why NLP is much better than smoking cessation drugs
The media blast messages of some new “powerful pill” that will finally help you quit smoking and so millions of smokers are turning to medication to help them quit smoking......
- But how successful are these smoking cessation medications?
- What price do smokers have to pay to quit smoking with a pill?
Take a test of one of the more popular anti-smoking medications (I won’t mention here). During the 12 weeks patients were using the drug, a little less that 50% were able to stop smoking. This was short-term, what about long-term? It fell from 50% to 25% after one year! So the successful results that are advertised are not necessarily long-term and smokers may have to go through several rounds of the drug until they finally quit in the long run.
Smoking cessation drugs have serious health risks and side effects that range from physical to psychological. There have been warnings of mood swings and suicidal behaviours.....not good!
Furthermore, there are high costs in relation to taking smoking cessation medications. The drugs must be used for a long time period (up to 12 weeks) and as stated before, since the long-term success rate is low then smokers may have to go through another round – thus adding to the expense. These medications are not covered by insurance plans most of the time.
The fantastic news is that there are more natural methods to quit smoking, which are more effective than smoking cessation drugs and do not include the expenses and side effects related with medications. More and more smokers are turning to these natural alternatives to quit smoking every day.
The most effective natural techniques to quit smoking is NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). This is a hypnotherapy technique that the smoker can administer to themselves by simply listening to an audio recording. The rate of success is very high and, as a natural alternative, it does not have any of the scary or unhelpful side effects of smoking cessation drugs.